It’s all about lighting.

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The key to a perfect product shot, to me, is...
Perfect lighting.

The truth is that you don't need the fanciest equipment, props or anything. You can achieve the perfect photograph by playing with the right amount of natural light. Always try to shoot close to a (non-tinted) window. And you'll make magic happen.

Here are a couple of tips to make sure you nail the lighting in your indoor photographs:

  1. Get to know the light that comes through your windows and doors. Knowing the intensity of the light, the reflection and even the temperature (if there’s warmer light or colder when cloudy) will help you achieve the effect that you seek.

  2. Turn off electric lights. Natural light doesn’t like competition, and doing this can affect your white balance.

  3. Try to shoot in Aperture Priority mode, and open that baby up. With indoor natural light photography, you need to let in as much light as possible.

  4. Choose your white balance wisely depending on what you’re shooting. For proper skin tones choose Daylight, if you wanna warm things up a little, choose Cloudy. Up to you.

  5. Use a light catching backdrop to catch the light and bounce it back on your subject, or a light box to create a similar effect as the backdrop, with added control.

  6. You can also use a reflector to enhance them.

  7. Make sure that your space is tidy and pay attention to little details. Even a cable in the wrong place can screw up your photo.



Samantha Villavicencio

Originally from Caracas, Venezuela, Samantha is an award-winning Creative Director based in Cabo, LA & Miami. Founder of

Branding is life.


La Magia de la Fotografía.