Disposable masks.

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SO... Every time I see someone wearing a disposable mask, I cringe.

Apparently, COVID waste has become a new form of pollution as single-use personal protective equipment (PPE) floods our oceans...

Experts now say that there are more masks than jellyfish in the ocean... So, I today I beg you to pleeeease get yourself some reusable masks that can not only keep you safe but the planet as well.

Also, by now there are tons of cool designs out there and you can add some swag to your market run... or whatever it is you do outside... Unless you're like... a pretty awesome healthcare worker who does need to wear those kinds of mask. Emphasis on the word "need".

Getting reusable masks might need you to wash it every time you use it... but hey, just get a few. Mother Earth will thank you.


Samantha Villavicencio

Originally from Caracas, Venezuela, Samantha is an award-winning Creative Director based in Cabo, LA & Miami. Founder of themindful.studio.


Bar shampoo.


Time to take care of yourself.