Water heals.


Emotions are often represented with water. Do you know why?

Water has the power to help us balance our emotional world. Some studies have found that water is a great “anxiety quencher”.

When we’re dehydrated, we can induce ourselves some anxiety and nervousness because that lack of water can cause our cells to feel it at the molecular level, communicating the dehydration to our subconscious as an underline subtle anxiety or threat to survival.

On the other hand, depression can also cause us to feel sad, helpless and hopeless for an extended period of time. But when we’re dehydrated, our body’s ability to detoxify is impaired, which will also cause a shortage in tryptophan and serotonin.

To rebalance this deficit of fluids we need to drink at least eight glasses of fresh water a day. Of course, I’m not saying that water alone may cure these disorders, but it can sure help calm our nerves.



Samantha Villavicencio

Originally from Caracas, Venezuela, Samantha is an award-winning Creative Director based in Cabo, LA & Miami. Founder of themindful.studio.


Fear, or not.


Becoming vulnerable.