Feeling trapped?

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Same. Sometimes... thanks covid...

Here are some ways I've been able to deal with this awful feeling:

  1. Realize that it all has an expiration date: Yes, it seems like every day we have something new to worry about. But frankly, there's nothing we can do to change that. So, for now, stay strong knowing that every minute we're closer to going "back to normal"

  2. Learn something useful: This one's tough, specially for us, Millennials, who have so much to get distracted with. But wouldn't you rather spend this unique time learning something that might actually help make our lives easier? Try learning breathing techniques, French swear words, self-pleasure stuff. Anything that can help your wellness is welcome.

  3. Call fun people: When we constantly talk to people who are down, we get down too. So, try to talk to people you can have a laugh for like an hour. This will immediately boost your mood. And if you don't know anyone, watch some comedies. Those work too.

  4. Go for a walk: A safe, distanced, walk in nature can help. Even if it's just 20 minutes a day.

  5. Understand that we only have "NOW": We spend so much time thinking of the past and the future, but those two don't really exist. All we actually have is the NOW. So try to practice mindfulness and stay in the present moment. I'm sure you'll find something to be grateful for.

If none of these work. Sell everything and move to the jungle. It's working out fine for us.


Samantha Villavicencio

Originally from Caracas, Venezuela, Samantha is an award-winning Creative Director based in Cabo, LA & Miami. Founder of themindful.studio.


Looking within.


How to focus when our hearts ache.