The drug within.
For years, we've tried to solve our inner issues with pills and other drugs.
Nowadays, there's this urge to "going back to basics” that's come from the fact that these "immediate" solutions might help in the moment, but can't really cure the cause behind our troubles.
Chinese medicine, reiki, Ayurveda, energy healing and other ancestral practices are making a comeback due to our global need to heal holistically and not just superficially. And whether you like it, believe in it, or agree with it or not, they're showing us that we were smarter and more conscious centuries ago.
Of course, I'm not here trying to discredit the professionals who spend their lives trying to make ours better. We do need immediate solutions when we have immediate needs. But there's only so much even they can do.
We tend to blame it all on our doctors instead of analyzing the ways we've been living our lives when they aren't able to heal us. But who made us sick in the first place? A clue: they didn't.
Today, I invite you to take a few moments to think about the way you've been living your life. Have you eaten healthy these past years? Have you exercised enough? Have you worked through all the stress and emotional pain you've experienced throughout your life?
If you're not in a hospital bed right now, the good news is, there's still time for change.
There's time to choose to live a healthier, more wholesome life. Because in the end of the day, that's our responsibility and no one else's.